
Content Tagged With: “CSS3”

Collapsing WordPress sidebar at phone viewport — using Bootstrap 2

This tutorial covers making the WordPress sidebar collapse into a mobile friendly navigation menu at the phone viewport only. As well as adding some conditional text that will only appear when the menu is at the phone viewport. You must be using Bootstrap 2 (*this will not work in BS3) in conjunction with WordPress for […]

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Responsive CSS3 / HTML5 Video Background In div No Javascript Needed!

I needed a HTML5 video background to appear as the header on my web page. Did I mention that the page was responsive (Bootstrap) and the video needed to scale to width without destroying the aspect ratio, oh and that the containing div has a FIXED HEIGHT!!! Yeah, fun stuff considering I had never attempted this before. So, with some HTML5 and CSS3 trickery… I was able to accomplish this without having to use JavaScript at all! I mean, isn’t that the point of HTML5?

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Bootstrap 2 tooltip example, W3C compliant javascript code for html5

If you haven’t already heard about Bootstrap, please familiarize yourself with this great website application. I am still learning the inner workings of Bootstrap (with HTML5) but am very excited about what I have learned so far. Anyhow, I’m not going to bore you with all of the details of Bootstrap. Its on you to “get your learn on”. Let’s get down to business. Bootstrap has a great javascript feature built-in called “tooltip”. Simply put–it’s a much prettier version of

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