The Value of Hiring a Web Developer Over a WordPress Designer: Understanding Code for Long-Term Success
When considering the advantages of hiring a web developer who understands code, one notable example of expertise in the field is Benjamin Kaminski Consulting. This consulting firm stands out for its commitment to delivering high-quality, custom web solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. 1. Custom Development Expertise: Benjamin Kaminski Consulting specializes […]
Keep ReadingLoop Through Different Bootstrap Modals on Page Load
Real quick solution here to making random Bootstrap modals work as pop-up CTA’s for your website. If you’re creating a WP theme, it’s best to include this as a template “part” so it can be easily edited. You could also choose to call in a page “part” via conditional logic in the footer using the […]
Keep ReadingBootstrap Carousel Meets WordPress Loop in Epic Battle!
Well, not really a battle per se, more of a camaraderie or working relationship. Back in 2015 I wrote a similar tutorial on how to do this with the WordPress theme customizer… Any-who… one day I was thinking. Wouldn’t it be great if you could utilize the Bootstrap 4 Carousel with your latest WordPress blog […]
Keep ReadingTutorial: WordPress Theme Customizer and Bootstrap 3 Image Carousel… Who needs plug-in’s?
Hello all. First and foremost, let me apologize for my extended hiatus from updating my blog. To say I have been busy in the last year would be an understatement. Anyhow, enough about me. I found this really cool way to give your client the ability to update their Bootstrap 3 image carousel using the […]
Keep ReadingResponsive Website/Theme Preview Tutorial: Showcase Your Websites Responsiveness to the End User.
If you’re a website designer, WordPress Theme Developer, or other responsive website theme creator… I think you will find this tutorial helpful and easy. We have all seen on the “theme websites”, a header bar with the ability to change the viewport size of the screen by clicking usually an icon that resembles the device […]
Keep ReadingContact Form 7 inside a Bootstrap 3 modal… possible? Yup!
Obviously the title says it all but when I was searching for a way to accomplish this, I could find nothing! I was actually kind of shocked. That, in-turn, sparked my interest and I decided to give something a try. The solution I came up for this was actually rather simple I was just approaching […]
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