Remove “Your Downloads” Section of WP e-Commerce User Profile
This one will be short, sweet, and to the point. I have spent many hours researching this issue I’m having with WP E-Commerce shopping cart plug-in for WordPress. If you use WP eCommerce cart, you are familiar with its strong-points as well as its caveats. For the most part, it works really well and I prefer it to other WordPress shopping cart options.
Here’s my problem — I don’t sell digital downloads and WP eCommerce forces you to have a downloads section on your cart. Why? Why not make this a option that can be turned on or off? I don’t have the time to wait for the developers to enact this feature so I took action.
Either way, lets say that your company does NOT sell digital downloads and therefore has NO NEED for a “your downloads” section of a users account profile. Not every business is offering digital, sellable downloads. Many sites using WP eCommerce are selling hard-goods only and are otherwise stuck with this “your downloads” section in the users profile.
Note to the WP eCommerce development team: PLEASE add this feature to your dashboard store settings. It’s rather annoying that the downloads section is forced upon every customer and there is no way to simply turn it off from the dashboard. This is why I had to alter your code.
Removal Instructions:
Moving along, open your FTP client and navigate to this file:
Open this file in your favorite text editor and head on down to line 387 and you will see something like this:
Here is where the WP eCommerce cart sets up the layout of the “Your Account” page.
To forever rid yourself of the “Your Downloads” section simply comment out the following line in the above snippet:
That’s all there is to it! Navigate in your browser to the “Your Account” page and click refresh, no more “Your Downloads” section!
Remember to download this file to your computer after you have made the change for safe keeping until the next WP E-Commerce update.
As always, thanks for reading my articles. Hopefully this helps some people out there using WP eCommerce. Let me know if you run into any problems and I will help. Comments are welcomed and encouraged 🙂
RecaD… you’re a boss! That will work just as well (probably better) and the fact that the CSS approach completely eluded me is beyond explanation. Much thanks for that informational nugget. I would actually (in retrospect) advise using RecaD’s recommendation. Much simpler and will remain throughout plugin updates. If someone has a functions.php idea, I’d love to hear that as well.
Would LOVE to see the WP Ecommerce team address this in the dashboard!!!
Thanks RecaD!!!!
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